Monday, May 31, 2010

My dancing skill

So those of you who have been dancing with me when I am particularly inebriated (This is mainly Ashley) will know that my moves leave something to be desired. Not from a lack of variety or enthusiasm but more an air of sophistication or class. So I was recommended this following video by Youtube. Even Youtube knows I'm a bad dancer! I don't think it helped. I got some outfit ideas though.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Bitches using my dishes

So I walked into the kitchen at dinner time to make an egg salad sandwich and some dude was blatantly using my pot and plate! WTF I should never leave my stuff in that kitchen..

Anyways... I'm really excited about a couple of movies coming up soon:) First of all theres SPLICE, which comes out June 4th. Although I kind of hate the trailer but I love the concept. I think they should have done a more mysterious trailer like they did for DISTRICT 9, because I feel like I know everything that is going to happen in it. I don't think it will be particularly good but nevertheless I will still be going to see it!

The next one is actually not coming out in theaters because its an oldie. Its CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST, which I am going to rent and watch with Cam. I am slightly disappointed because Eli Roth half ruined it for me! BIOTCH! (I was watching a video of his top five movies that mainstream audiences haven't seen) I did not decide to watch this movie because of this video but I figured that he would NOT mention Cannibal Holocaust in his list cause its pretty well known and its his favorite movie and he never shuts up about it. On second thought, I should have expected it from him.

Lastly :TRON LEGACY. Omg omg omg! Its produced by Disney. EWWW! But still, the plot looks kind of meh but the production design and visuals for this movie look absolutely stunning in the trailer! Jizz in my pants. So even if its kind of boring I will be too fascinated by the set to actually notice.


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Face Palming up a storm

Did you know that the top of mini-fridges are quite hot? I do now. After I left my bag of spinach which didn't fit into the fridge on top of it. It basically cooked the spinach but not in a yummy way. Also! Don't leave frozen chicken pot pies in a lunch bag thing on the floor. The smell that they created was similar to a wine that has gone bad. LEARN FROM MY FAIL(S)

Last night I wen't to see the movie Robin Hood. It was pretty decent. It had a good battle scene and also the king of England character was pretty funny but in a douchebaggy way. (The way I like it - yeah)

I was volunteering for this used book sale that Linda always helps out at every year all weekend. Its actually going to happen this weekend so we were setting up all the books and sorting them. Which means I got some awesome FREE stuff:) I got some cool philosophy books by Aristotle and Hobbes, some fiction ones and also three books with great pictures which now decorate my walls. Bitchin'

Thats all for now!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

This weekend

Well, I didn't really do too much this weekend. I did watch some good movies! :D

I saw Ringu which is the japanese movie that inspired "the Ring". Well it wasn't really inspired since it copied most of it except for the slightly weird parts and then it just made everybody super white and added this weird barn thing. (I haven't seen the ring in a couple of years so I don't really know what I am talking about)

I liked it but I expected it to be more hardcore since my experience with Japanese horror has been only with Takashi Miike's Audition. Which was awesome, weird and pretty brutal in some parts (really only one).

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Some mother fucker stole my forks!

I don't know who it is, but i left some things in the rez kitchen aka some cutlery and a plate (they were both in a cupboard) and when I went to eat my tacos the next day I only had one fork. WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY FORKS???

They must have mutated into spoons cause now I have too many spoons...

Anyways, I saw some random forks in the sink. They are now mine. They were probably mine to begin with.

I'm keeping all of my stuff in my room from now on.

Monday, May 10, 2010

A letter to my bed in Ottawa

Dear bed,

I love you and I miss you so much! My new bed here in Fredericton is so shitty :( He is barely big enough to lay upon and that is not considering comfort. Your Queen sized mattress puts me to sleep so easily and I long for your warm embrace. Gone are the days where I can turn over without nearly falling off the cliff that is the side of the bed. I count the days till our reunion.

Love, Amanda

If only I could fall asleep in this terrible bed, for I would certainly dream of you.

First Week in Fredericton


First of all, if you are still confused about what on earth I am doing in Fredericton(New Brunswick) I am going to explain that!

Basically, I have been getting into sewing lately (like making clothes), and since I didn't get a good job this summer I needed something to do. So I decided to come to New Brunswick and work for my moms best friend Linda who is a seamstress and learn from her. She started to teach me how to sew before I moved to Ottawa but then I left. Technically I am not making any money from her so can you still call it working? I DO!

So far, it has been going very well! I don't really know how to do very much because I'm still a beginner but it is still fun :)

This weekend I went to Minto (its a small town) to visit my Grandmother and my aunt for mothers day. It was pretty fun. At least I got to sleep on a huge bed again:):):) We didn't really do too much other than go to a baby shower and go for pizza on moms day.

I was encouraged to get MOTHER FUCKING PREGNANT by my Nana more than once this weekend. I still love her but there is no way there will be evil Amanda spawn crawling around pretty much ever.

TTYL friends:)